Tragedy Strikes, Southern Style

With the absolute devastation and destruction left behind from Hurricane Katrina, President Bush, Con Edison and the City of New York has pledged an oath to work around the clock to restore power to the millions of homes remaining in the storm ravished city of New Orleans and parts of Mississippi.
Though it may take several years to rebuild what was destroyed in just one day, the hope is to have electricity running normally in time for the September 28th Dinner And A Movie premiere of Twister on TBS.
"I have to go...We've got cows!"
No seriously, they still have it on the schedule.
My prayers with the millions affected. And that's not a joke.
Thank you...
I wish there were more good people like you saying what needs to be said... I am glad you are praying for all the victims too.
I hope anyone that reads this will please, please consider making a donation to help these people.
I have friends who have lost everything, and I will tell you, that they are just so thankful they and their families are alive and safe. Not everyone is that lucky.
I made my donation to the Red Cross today. Go to and they have links to a lot of charities with a focus on helping the Katrina victims.
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