Says White House: Let Them Eat Spam

While the rest of the country turns to the south with sympathetic eyes, some of Washington's finest are showing their unrelenting support in our country's continuing time of crisis by joining in on a celebration of all that's still good in the world: over-priced Broadway musicals.
Yes, apparently watching the onslaught of news reports, meeting with representatives from various charity organizations and assisting with the much-needed rescue efforts in New Orleans fell fourth on the list for National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, who took in a Wednesday night performance of the much loved Spamalot.
Not that I expect her to strap on galoshes and wade through rising fecal matter looking for those who didn't survive the storm, but on the eve of what many are now calling the worst tragedy to befall our country since 9/11, you'd think laughing her ass off with overly-fed tourists from the midwest could wait a few months. You know, at least until we're finished with all the rapes, lootings and race riots now brewing faster than the winds of Katrina down under.
I guess there are worse ways of spending $101.00. I mean, it's not like she flew around a sea of starving refugees in an empty aircraft burning more fuel than an entire city of SUVs put together, you know, in the name of a heart-felt photo-op.
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