A Bottle Of White, A Bottle Of Red

Contrary to pop-cultured belief, it turns out the good don't always die young -- no matter how hard they may try sometimes.
In the splashy new tell-all memoir out this week entitled Billy Joel: The Life & Times of an Angry Young Man, it's revealed the Bronx born rock star's long time issues with drinking almost cost him his life. 'Cept this time, his poison was real: furniture polish.

Cashing in on all the hoopla, some local bars have already added a new drink to their menus: the bubbly, blue CosMop&Glopolitan.
In all seriousness, I love you Billy, Just The Way You Are: alive, albeit still tortured. But alive, first and foremost.
Alive, albeit tortured... such touching words of wisdom. I have felt similar pangs of doubt about my existence, my worth and my relevance. And in many cases, someone, whether a friend, or an acquaintance or a random interaction with another being - has helped me see that alive, albeit tortured, is far better than the drastic alternative. While I know I will never be a Billy Joel in terms of being able to reach out to so many people, and I am hardly a role model, I am lucky to have been fortunate to have my path crossed by others who have blocked me, re-directed me, gotten me through some low points.
AJ, continue to blog, your wide range of topics mmakes me think, to chhallenge myself, to be aware of more than just a narrow tunnel of existence. I am pretty sure you've had a good influence on more than just this blog commenter.
As for my preference... I like to start with a bottle of bubbly, move to the white, and finish with a hearty, bold, red.
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