i kNoW wHAt yOu DiD laSt sEAsOn...

The undeniably beautiful and seemingly always perky Jennifer Love Hewitt is absolutely determined to make a return to television, though apparently, one flop at a time.
Her latest attempt, sadly sans the breasts, can be seen in the soon to be cancelled CBS drama, Ghost Whisperer, where she stars as a young woman cursed with the ability to communicate with dead people in order to help them cross over to the other side.
Think a way hotter John Edward. Like, WAY hotter.
Now, those who know me well can vouch for it when I proclaim I love Love, always have and always will...I'm perhaps the only guy in America who actually appreciates and defends her acting ability. I hereby submit into evidence my copy of Confessions Of A Sociopathic Social Climber. Um, hellllo? "I barely have enough time to keep a journal let alone breast feed an orphan!"
But after an entire hour of watching her unsuccessfully struggle with the poorly written dialogue, and a flawed and fated for failure concept we've seen many times over, it doesn't take a guy with six senses to figure out this show won't materialize into anything of value, other than a development mistake that'll haunt the network's Friday night time-slot for the rest of the season.
Sucks for me, too. I finally just apologized to everyone I made sit through Time Of Your Life.
OK, but Party of Five? Without a doubt, the springboard for so many... Neve Campbell, Scott Wolf and Matthew "Lost" Fox. Andrew Keegan, that "London" dude... one of the twins, wither Jeremy or Jason, I can't remember...
But yeah, JLH... haha
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