Puttin My Mouth Where The Weiner Is

Though he has chosen graciously to step aside and let Who-The-Fuck-Is-Freddie-Ferrer take the lead nomination for the party, and thus the fall in what will most likely be a slaughter-house victory for the Bloomberg camp in November, I can only hope that this bruised and beaten Weiner doesn't shrink into limp obscurity, broken and abandoned, never to be heard from again.
Can you say John Kerry?
Unlike the other three mayoral contesters, the Congressman still has a job to return to now that his part in the race is complete. And with 30% of the New York pool of Democrats standing behind him, I hope he continues to serve out his term fighting for those of us who tossed him our support over the past few weeks. His journey, from placing dead-last in the polls to almost-tied for the win, is an inspiration and true pledge of political purpose.
We may not have our Oscar Mayor Weiner, but we've had our fun with puns. And when all is said and done, isn't that the best use of a Weiner in the end?
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