Big A Votes Nay To Be Gay In LA

Yay. Just when you thought it was safe to walk down the aisle, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger terminated all hopes for gay couples in the state of CA when he vowed to veto a bill that would legalize same-sex marriages in the state.
The legislation, passed overwhelmingly by the state Senate, would have been the first to allow for equal representation and finite recognition of gay marriages, beyond just civil unions or domestic partnerships. Citing a conflict with the voter-approved Proposition 22, which forbade the state of CA from reinterpreting the definition of marriage to include those of the same sex, good old Arnie claimed, "We cannot have a system where the people vote and then the Legislature derails that vote." Well, he didn't actually say that; his press secretary did. Turns out the Governor had a hard time pronouncing the word "Legislature."
You would think in a state where retired porn stars ran for the gubernatorial position, the radical idea of legal reform wouldn't have threatened the CA governor as it did. Then again, with the onset of the infectious right-wing setting in across the country, it shouldn't have surprised anyone that a call for equality would be met with political and social dissent.
It should be noted when Proposition 22 went out to registered voters for approval, it was accompanied by Propositions 21 and 23, which, respectively, legalized the union between liposuction and botox, and banned carbs from everything including oxygen.
Alas, our nation's Girliest Man decided to follow through with the systematic neglect for equal rights for all it's citizens, "out of respect for the will of the people." Ironically it is Proposition 24 which calls for a ban on any state representative who sounds like a drunken Neanderthal when speaking publicly.
What remains to be seen now is how this recent decision will affect future relationships between the Governor and the LGBT communities. Critics were quick to call attention to his hypocrisy, urging what many have called a gay-friendly state administration to reconsider their current stance on the issue.
"I'll Be Back-lashed!" (It works when you say it like a German idiot).
You see, when Schwarzenegger starts whining about how unfair the laws are keeping former foreigners like himself out of the White House, I hope he remembers the "will of the people," that is, those who made laws years ago without any regard for equality, change or progression in society. Maybe then he'll understand what real civil leadership is about -- taking action, making a difference and standing behind your convictions, in or in the face of slipping approval ratings.
Wait, that's not how our government works. Silly me, I forget sometimes this isn't Canada.
Anyone wishing to email thoughts, concerns or hopes for a better tomorrow to Arnie and Company can do so by using the following: Don't expect a response, though; he's very busy licking George Bush's ass-crack.
Yeah, I went there.
Perhaps Ahhnold's wife can slap him silly. But, I won't hold my breath. Maybe the Legislature in California will find the courage, conviction and vision to do what is right.
When will the damn Republicans, and Ahhnold specifically, learn that cowtowing to the biased, prejudiced, narrow-minded contributors is a sign of weakness and demonstrates a lack of courage, conviction and vision.
Without a doubt, we will never see the governor of California being recognized by his wife's cousin, Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg's "Profiles in Courage for our Times."
And that's a shame.
Porn stars ran for governor, not mayor, as stated in the article. Thank you.
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