Halle Berry Speaks Out: "I Have A Cream"

Everyone knows black don't crack -- which is why I was surprised to find, on this, the honored day marking the life and death of Martin Luther King, Jr., a new ad hocking Brown Sugar Body Polish plastered across Halle Berry's freakishly annoying official homepage, Hallewood.com.

So what have we learned here?
1. Halle Berry doesn't shower often.
2. For $55 you can stink like you do.
And even though the sugar-laced product smells "good enough to eat," you shouldn't. Her much anticipated Bulimia Babe's Burrito Barfing Elixir won't be available 'till at least late next summer.
MTKJ would be so very proud.
Next thing, Halle will come out with an oatmeal scrub to go with her brown sugar rub.
Sounds yummy!
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