Monday, December 12, 2005

Things That Make You Go Oy-Vey

Stop me if you've heard this one before. How many old, retired Jews does it take to operate a cell phone camera in the middle of a crowded airport?

Seven: Three to place the call, and four to sigh heavily and remind the others they could have gotten to the airport 11 minutes earlier if they had only listened to the directions and taken the expressway like they had wanted.

That's how my trip to California began. Harold and Rae bickering over whether they should check their luggage at the gate and how many times they should call their home phone just to make sure the machine was still on.

For the record, they chose to carry on all four shopping bags of semi-used tissues and oversized crossword puzzle books, but never once actually made a successful phone call from their cell.

More Cali-Coverage To Come...


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